
Fried Rice

Don't mind my HUGE serving. I am milking this breast-feeding thing (no pun intended) for all it's worth.
Plus, I had run 6 miles right before this meal and was famished.
Plus, I'm a pig.

1 lb. bacon, sliced into small pieces
1 small white onion
4 eggs
4 cups cooked white rice (or more)
1/2 to 1 bunch green onions, finely chopped
Soy Sauce to taste, or 2 to 4 Tablespoons

Sautee bacon slices and pour out majority of grease. Add the chopped onion to the pan and cook with the bacon until onion is clear. Fry four eggs and cut into small pieces and add to bacon and onion. Add the cooked rice to the bacon, onion and egg. Add soy sauce to taste, mix well. Chop green onions finely, and sprinkle over the top before serving.

Thanks to the Hong family for the delicious recipe!

1 comment:

  1. We always put a little sesame oil in our fried rice, but this recipe looks awesome, we're gonna try it soon!
