
Garden Ravioli Soup

Hi Bloggers! I am a frequent visitor of this blog, but this is my first post. It is a really easy soup that is perfect for a cold day.

Garden Ravioli Soup

6 Cups Chicken Broth
1/4 Tsp Italian Seasoning
2 Garlic Cloves, minced
1/2 cup onion, chopped
1/2 lb sausage, browned and drained (I like to use spicy sausage to give the soup a little heat)
1/2 cup carrots sliced
1 can (14 oz) chopped stewed tomatoes
1 (9 oz) package cheese-filled tortellini (frozen or fresh)
1/2 cup spinach, trim stems
Fresh Parmesan cheese, grated
(I also like to add 1 zucchini, chopped)

In large saucepan brown sausage, then saute onion and garlic. Add broth, Italian seasoning, carrots, tomatoes (and zucchini, if desired). Cook over medium-high heat, heat to a boil. Add tortellini, reduce heat to medium. Cook 15 minutes or until pasta is done, stirring occasionally. Add spinach at five minutes remaining. Sprinkle with fresh parmesan.


  1. Thanks for posting this. i was looking on this blog specifically for this recipe, and I was glad to see it pop up as the latest addition to the blog!

  2. I just stumbled across your blog and have found so many recipes I want to try!!! You have some great ones on here :-)

  3. YUMMY!!! I am going to make this tomorrow!

  4. This was so, so good! Even picky DH liked it; had two helpings. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Made this tonight and it was so good! Loved it! Thanks Lisa!
