
Chocolate Brownie Trifle

1 package brownie mix
2 small boxes Chocolate Fudge Instant Pudding
7 Skor candy bars
1 (12 oz) Cool Whip

Make brownie mix according to package directions. Cool. Make pudding mix according to
package directions, let set in refrigerator. Crush the Skor bars with hammer. In a trifle dish layer 1/2 of the brownies, one of the pudding mixes, 3 crushed Skor bars and 1/2 of the Cool Whip. Repeat. Top with 1 crushed Skor bar.

Everyone will be amazed when you bring this to a party, shower or family dinner!

*I googled "Trifle Dish" and this picture came up...I try to make mine look a little nicer than this but you get the point of what it should look like*

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