
To Die for Chocolate Decadence Cake (Ambers version)

My cousin Aleena introduced me to this cake and eventually posted the recipe on this site. This cake is so delicious, easily my favorite. I have made it so many times that I eventually discovered that making a couple of changes suited my tastes just a little better.  I decided to post my variation to this recipe because a friend of mine asked for the recipe after she had sampled it. She came back a little disappointed after having made it because it didn't taste quite the same. So, if you prefer milk chocolate to dark then make the cake this way. 

My changes in bold

1 box Devil's Food cake mix (or any chocolate cake mix)
1 3 oz. box instant chocolate pudding
2 c. sour cream
5 eggs
1 c. melted butter
1/2 tsp. almond extract
1 C. chocolate chips (I recommend ghiradelli)
9 Hershey bars

In a large bowl, beat first 6 ingredients until well blended. Mixture will be thick. Stir in chocolate chips. Pour into three greased 9" pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-40 minutes (I did 25). Keep an eye on them so they don't over bake. Pull out of oven. Immediately flip onto cooling rack. Place 3 Hershey bars on each layer. When melted, spread evenly over tops of cake. Let cool completely. When cool (Hershey bars should be mostly set - you can put the cakes in the fridge to speed things up) place cake layers on top of each other.

Ganache frosting:
20 oz. Milk chocolate, chopped
1 1/2 cups heavy cream

Place the chocolate into a medium bowl. Heat the cream in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil, watching very carefully because if it boils for a few seconds, it will boil out of the pot. When the cream has come to a boil, pour over the chopped chocolate and whisk until smooth. Allow the ganache to cool 
(it will thicken slightly after cooling for 1-2 hours)  before pouring over cake. Start at the center of the cake and work outward.

Thanks to Aleena, and ENJOY!

p.s. The Cake is supposed to and will look like this (below) with the runny ganache frosting.


  1. I love this cake! People might think its too rich, but I easily finished my piece! Thanks for sharing.
